LinkedIn is the most popular professional online platform for job seekers and businesses. Learn how to make the most of this valuable tool.
LinkedIn is a social platform where professionals can network, search for jobs, sign up as freelancers, and publish articles. If you own a business, LinkedIn for Business lets you vet and hire employees and vendors, generate leads, and market your company. *LinkedIn’s free and Premium tiers offer varied features and functionality; you can customize your membership according to how you want to use LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a social network for the business community. Founded in 2002, the site is a place for professionals to connect with past and current colleagues, increase business connections, network within their industry, discuss business ideas, search for jobs, and look for new hires.
LinkedIn users create professional, resume-like profiles that allow other site members to learn more about their business background, areas of expertise and professional development organization memberships. Once users create a profile, they can add other users to their network.
The profiles also include status updates that let people in a user’s network know what they’re working on and when they might be traveling. There is also a feature that allows people who are not signed in to LinkedIn to view parts of a user’s public profile.
LinkedIn business profiles are for organizations seeking to hire, generate leads, grow and market their business, and more. LinkedIn also offers solutions and resources for businesses of all sizes.
We’ll explore LinkedIn’s various tools and resources for both individual professionals and businesses.
A LinkedIn portfolio is a featured section in your LinkedIn profile. Your portfolio contains samples of your work. People who view your profile can look through your samples to get a sense of how you perform your work.
Think about it like this: If your resume tells people what you can do, your portfolio shows it.
Here’s how to showcase your work as a portfolio on LinkedIn:
1.Sign in to LinkedIn and go to your profile. To do so, click Me > View Profile.
2.In the first box, under your name, click Add profile section.
3.Click Recommended > Add featured.
4.Click the plus sign and select Add a Post, Add an Article, Add a Link, or Add Media.
5.Selecting Add a Post or Add an Article allows you to add any posts or articles you’d like to feature here.
6.To add a link to your work, select Add a Link and then paste the URL of the content you want to import. Add a title and description to your link and click Save.
7.To add media, select Add Media and choose the file from your computer. Add a title and description to your media and click Save.