4.2 Where to look for jobs that utilze analytics

There are several different job search websites and resources that can be used to find different types of positions. The websites listed below are helpful to find job postings and help you narrow your search as you look for jobs in the data analytics field.

4.2.1 LinkedIn

LinkedIn is great place to connect and network with individuals to reach out to people working in the industry to learn about about different jobs and positions first hand. Additionally, the platform can also be used to find jobs around the world. The platform has a very useful job search feature where you can filter out different specifications that you are interested in such as experience level, company, job type, industry, job function, location, salary, and benefits.

LinkedIn Job Search: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/

4.2.2 Indeed

Indeed is a website designed to be a search engine for jobs and allows users to tailor their results to their requirements. Individuals can also upload their resume to the website that company’s can view. The site also has a feature where users can be alerted about different jobs postings that can become available depending on their interests and requirements they have selected.

Indeed: https://www.indeed.com/?from=gnav-title-webapp

4.2.3 Ross Recruit

Ross Recruit is a resource available only to Ross Students where students can make appointments with individuals at the CDO,search for different recruiting events at Ross, and find the contact information for Ross alumni who are working in industry. The website also has a live job posting board where students can search and apply for different jobs.

Ross Recruit: https://michiganross.12twenty.com/dashboard

4.2.4 Handshake

Handshake is a tool that was designed to help college students find jobs by providing students with equal access to meaningful careers. The website allows students to create a profile and connect with employers one-on-one and apply for jobs. The website also has a calender of events that are available to studenst who attend th University of Michigan.

Handshake: https://joinhandshake.com/